Local Certification Programs

Fair Housing Certification

The Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC), in collaboration with the Fair Housing Council of Orange County and the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, presents comprehensive certification trainings to better ensure its members understand and remain in compliance with local, state, and federal Fair Housing laws.

Participants who successfully complete the half-day course and final exam receive a certificate that can be displayed in their rental office, signifying their commitment to Fair Housing practices, or included in their employee file.

Training topics include:

  • Protected classes
  • Prohibited acts
  • Occupancy limits
  • Surcharges
  • Rules & Children
  • How to know if you're discriminating
  • Tenant selection criteria
  • People with disabilities, plus reasonable accommodations & modifications
  • Comparing state and federal Fair Housing laws, and how to navigate them

For more information, contact Sandy Gimpelson at (714) 245-9500 or SandyG@aaoc.com.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Certification

Senate Bill 1343 requires that all California employers with five or more employees provide sexual and workplace harassment prevention training to both supervisory and non-supervisory employees. Training must take place within
six months of hire or promotion, and every two years thereafter.

The Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) presents certification classes throughout the year to help ensure its members and their employees are in compliance with state law and understand how to identify and take steps to prevent harassment in the workplace. 

Participants who successfully complete the training and final exam receive a certificate that can be maintained in their employee file.

Training topics include:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sex Discrimination
  • Prevention of Claims
  • Title VII Civil Rights Act
  • Investigating Complaints

For more information, contact Sandy Gimpelson at (714) 245-9500 or SandyG@aaoc.com.